Sunday, August 8, 2010


I love clouds. I never really appreciated them until I started taking pictures that included the sky...and since (for the time) I've done mainly nature/landscape photography, I learned pretty quickly to appreciate what clouds can do for pictures. They can turn a bland picture to one with pizazz!

Clouds not only add another layer of texture, but they bring a lot of character to any picture. The big fluffy ones seem like big friendly ones, whereas dark storm clouds bring an element of mystery and (for me) a certain sense of elegance.

Some examples:

This sky (to me) is almost like the signature of the sky on this one.

This sky is telling us how awesome it is.

And there ya go. Just a couple of examples and reasons of why I love clouds.

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Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Well, I guess this means that I'm officially "back." I say "back," only because I was never really "here."
Actually, this is me just popping in and letting you know that I now have a website! Where you can buy my prints! But only if you want...

Anyways, since I know that you're just dying to know what the website is...this is it:!

There ya go. Check it out! And if you are really feeling some prints!